Robert Kass, executive editor of Statistical Science , suggests that the authors may have subconsciously biased their results by selectively reporting their findings.
"To selectively report certain precincts today could be a way of feeding the media on a timetable and adding to the momentum of the candidate you favor," he said.
The applicant selectively reports, and uses unofficial terms: rather than reporting an overall grade of credit, reports a "Distinction Average in Finance; High Credit Average in Law."
The cynicism is heightened by the muzzling of the press, which is only allowed to report selectively on corruption and is never permitted to dig very deep.
Before the magazine's edition was circulated, other news media gave exposure to the story, abridging and selectively reporting it.
Regarding the inconclusive nature of some findings, media researchers often contend that it is the critics who are misinterpreting or selectively reporting studies (Anderson et al., 2003).
The writing style of red top tabloids is, ofttimes, accused of sensationalism; in other words, red tops have been accused of deliberately igniting controversy and selectively reporting on attention-grabbing stories, or those with shock value.
This case, especially in comparison to those earlier in the year, led to suggestions that the media was selectively reporting about victims on the basis of racial or social class grounds, a claim sometimes generalized as missing white woman syndrome.
According to Rao Jin, CNN and BBC only reported selectively, and grossly misrepresented the incident.
According to Anti-CNN, news channels such as CNN and BBC only reported selectively, and provide a one-sided argument regarding the 2008 Tibetan unrest.