The AFRMA's self described purpose is to "promote and encourage the breeding and exhibition of fancy rats and mice for show and pets."
His attorneys in the gun violation case were civil rights advocate Murphy Bell of Baton Rouge, and the self described "radical lawyer" William Kunstler.
A medical intuitive is an alternative medicine practitioner who uses their self described intuitive abilities to find the cause of a physical or emotional condition.
He looked just as Kirk's future self had described him, as did the man Picard subsequently fought: Soran.
Finally, Wilbur visits the old Dorsett house, where she discovers the green kitchen Sybil's selves have described many times.
The Jackal- A tomb thief and self described King of Thieves.
Fascinated, he watched, as his other self described a dozen or more of the symbols in the air, writing each with a clarity that could not be mistaken.
The award was created by the Object Management Group (OMG), self described as "an international, open membership, not-for-profit computer industry consortium".
When he converted to Islam the self described Aussie battler took on the name Jihad, Arabic for struggle.
A self described "liberal Republican", Saletan came out strongly against the re-election candidacy of George W. Bush.