Where his face is upward-looking and warmed by a faint but self-confident smile, hers seems pensive.
For the first time in their discussions Turlock smiled grimy, hairy, self-confident smile.
It showed him gazing serenely at the camera, a self-confident smile on his face.
His face was thin, with prominent bones, a sharp nose, and a trace of a self-confident smile.
She smiled a slow, self-confident smile.
The fellow was about forty, deeply tanned and very fit, and everything about him suggested dignified secure wealth; his banker's clothing, his self-confident smile, the house in which he lived.
It pleased Mack Bolan to see the older man lose his self-confident smile.
She flashed me a sudden smile, supremely self-confident.
Or perhaps it was the self-confident smile of a healthy young male with a sensitivity for lonely older women.
A self-confident, mirthless smile passed quickly from his lips, and then he backed away.