Where "Sorrows of Stephen" was an engaging romantic comedy with literary undertones, the new work is self-consciously literary.
He's got the tools he thinks are necessary to the task: an elephantine narcissism apparently separated from its mostly inseparable pal, vanity, and a self-consciously literary erudition.
In these collections she championed a self-consciously literary approach that became known in the mid-60's as the New Wave.
A self-consciously literary artist, Burgess customarily built his novels in layers.
How much nudity could have been counterbalanced by more of Anais Nin's self-consciously literary prose?
It gives the impression of being something one might like to read, not because it is self-consciously literary, which it isn't.
Montolieu has yet to acquire a self-consciously literary culture.
Furthermore, his poems use a wide range of registers, from the direct and colloquial to the allusive and self-consciously literary.
Although Dacey disliked the backgrounds and the "self-consciously literary" ashes-in-beverages aspect, she enjoyed the plot and Kim's use of naturalism in her artwork.
The books have a self-consciously literary style, including many references to the classics and other subjects of higher learning.