Sabhapati was convinced that the child was on a self-destructive path.
Card described this ephebophilic relationship as "a mutually self-destructive path" and stated:
Another persistent theme of Hiaasen's books is that his villains share bad qualities that lead them down self-destructive paths.
A10 Israel's opposition Likud Party is on a self-destructive path.
NBC, maintains Warren Littlefield, is not going down the same self-destructive path.
I know with every ounce of my being that Tibet must be saved if we are to have any chance of turning around from our self-destructive path.
A hot temper and a propensity for getting into trouble seemed to be leading him down a self-destructive path.
Viewers would also see Jade go on a "self-destructive path and becomes involved with an older man."
He sent his country down a self-destructive path of testing nuclear weapons.
Grad attributes much of his success to martial arts claiming that it led him away from the self-destructive path of bar fights in Jerusalem.