Junior Ambassadors have an advantage over self-directed learners.
"To provide a learning environment in which all students are respected, nurtured, guided, and challenged to reach their maximum potential as self-directed, lifelong learners and members of a culturally diverse society."
Passionately self-directed learners, Mr. Starnater and Ms. Martin largely taught themselves the bushcraft and primitive skills they now teach others.
Chrysalis places an emphasis on learning independently, requiring students to become self-directed learners using time away from school to learn or serve the community.
It is presumed in education that undertaking PDP will assist in creating self-directed independent learners who are more likely to progress to higher levels of academic attainment.
She says the foundation's goal is to turn students into self-directed learners while they learn English.
It aims to develop every student to be a confident person, a self-directed learner, an active contributor and a concerned citizen through a holistic education that prepares students for the future.
Trinity offers distance education programs at undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degree levels for self-directed adult learners.
This transforms a classroom into a community of well-behaved and self-directed learners.
Al Muntazir Islamic Seminary aims to inculcate lifelong passion for learning amongst the students and to mold them into self-directed learners.