Those that graduate from this program can pursue careers as contractors or self-employed professionals.
Most of the Finnish Jews are corporate employees or self-employed professionals.
The example here is for a self-employed professional who charges for time spent on a number of projects and at a variety of rates.
This insurance is mainly purchased by self-employed professionals, it is also called 'one person company'.
He says custom used to limit the salaries and bonuses that corporate managers and self-employed professionals paid themselves at the expense of employees.
Liberalization has created many more opportunities in the business and service sector and self-employed professionals are burgeoning in the city.
Doctors, lawyers and other self-employed professionals report about 80 percent.
Effective collection systems should also be put in place to ensure that the levy is collected from any income earners, particularly the self-employed professionals and farmers'.
The units would be marketed to a mix of work-at-home types - writers, consultants, artists, architects and other self-employed professionals.
All Greeks who were wealthy or self-employed professionals were sought for prosecution first.