It is a clear and present danger because it blinds us to the nobility and the fragility of being a self-governing people.
Decades before he became president, Woodrow Wilson wrote that "the only really self-governing people is that people which discusses and interrogates its administration."
"What is a self-governing people doing meekly waiting each week for nine jurists to tell us how we may live and how we should govern ourselves?"
The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut is the world's first written constitution for a self-governing people.
In its political expression it was a free and self-governing people and world community denying to itself the possession of a national homeland.
"Too much power has been usurped by judges in this society, and we have ceased in many ways to be a self-governing people," Mr. Buchanan said.
It has existed as a self-governing people with its own laws and governance institutions since time immemorial, before the arrival of European settlers.
The founders sought to protect the rights of individuals to engage in political speech because a self-governing people depends upon the free exchange of political information.
He called such political speech "the lifeblood of a self-governing people."
I do not even find anything about the sacred cause of democracy, the resolve of a self-governing people to put an end to feudal rule.