In self-help meetings, courtrooms and politics, it has become shorthand for which the longhand is unclear.
The Charity also sponsors a large range of community activities, within the Ark itself, sponsoring a range of educational and self-help meetings.
A large portion of the self-help meetings are devoted to "sharing," describing one's addiction and the efforts to overcome it.
It looked like a self-help meeting of some sort, or perhaps a memorial service.
Daily, they struggle through therapy, self-help meetings and instruction in how to get a job, not to mention how to set an alarm clock and use a phone book.
Recovering young people agree that association with others trying to do the same, particularly at self-help meetings, plays a key role in staying sober.
Nearly 80% of adult participants were attending self-help meetings at discharge.
That night, Ned goes with Natalie to a self-help meeting with Natalie's artist friend, Christian.
He began attending self-help meetings and receiving out-patient help.
Heaven can wait while St. Ann's runs a soup kitchen, self-help meetings for addicts, youth sports and arts groups and a needle exchange for heroin addicts.