Others, participants in a self-help program, Share, have found a different way to increase food supplies.
"He sat out of football all of last year and really got involved with his self-help program."
The objective was not charity, but the promotion of self-help programs.
There are no limits on how long people live in the system, nor can they be required to do chores or to join self-help programs.
That may sound like a lot of self-help programs: the ideal is far from what a busy person can really achieve.
"Well, we all know that I'm crazy, but self-help programs work."
Rich's self-help program works for a variety of socioeco-nomic groups.
Many of these self-help programs are in their early stages, so it is too soon to say whether they will flourish or founder.
Locating possibilities for control and resistance in a self-help program.
That's the only real self-help program that means anything there.