They had been discussing the pompous and self-important man who had nearly ridden them both down this afternoon.
It parked behind Harry's car and a short, self-important man stepped out.
Which is not to say that this self-important man added nothing at all.
Did this overly self-important man really doubt he had discovered an expanding universe or new galaxies?
The place was as slick as a corporate law office, with the same hours and the same self-important front men.
Other characters see him as a silly, self-important old man.
But the eroding status of self-important white men just might be something to celebrate.
Fifteen, twenty years ago, had she seen some promise, now dissipated, in this weedy, self-important man?
Young, self-important men always like to feel that way.
He hurried into the bedroom, a bustling, self-important little man.