Just how little they cared was given away by our leaders' own self-incriminating statements after disaster struck.
Police made such threats in particular against female detainees in the presence of male relatives to force the men to sign self-incriminating statements.
The man had also been questioned in northern Germany and had made self-incriminating statements, she said.
But small companies that are more susceptible to financial reporting problems are not likely to suddenly issue self-incriminating statements flagging their poor controls.
Mr. Mondello's lawyers faced a more difficult task: their client had made self-incriminating statements to police.
A better arrangement would be simply to disqualify all self-incriminating statements not made in the presence of an officer of the court.
He was a difficult defendant in the courtroom, repeatedly interrupting his lawyer and making self-incriminating statements.
In other words, self-incriminating statements (confessions) are not hearsay.
A jury acquitted them on December 8, 1999 after a federal judge threw out one of the defendants' self-incriminating statements.
During five interviews in March, 2006, Ahmed made a number of self-incriminating statements.