Researchers have found that incarcerated youth engage in self-injurious behaviors at a rate two to four times higher than the general youth population.
Suicidal thoughts and self-injurious behavior were among the things lumped into this category.
Studies suggest that many abnormal captive behaviors, including self-injurious behavior, can be successfully treated by pair housing.
A 2008 study reported self-injurious behavior in 10% of people with TSC.
But the drugs themselves have a depressive effect and act to lower inhibitions against self-injurious behavior.
She also had seizure-like episodes, screaming, and self-injurious behavior.
What's a parent to do about self-injurious behavior?
Naltrexone has been used with some success in reducing stereotypic self-injurious behavior.
"Someone with one self-injurious behavior is more likely to have two or three," Gardenswartz says.
His subjects, besides suicide, included self-injurious behavior and ethics in psychiatry.