Those trials, however, often reveal that a placebo will lead to improvement in self-reported symptoms.
About 70% of the women had pelvic prolapse, based on a previous diagnosis or their self-reported symptoms.
Several surveys have found a variety of self-reported symptoms for people who live close to base stations.
Patients' self-reported symptoms on 16 different ADHD/executive-related items were reduced following the treatment period.
At present there are no accepted research criteria other than 'self-reported symptoms', and for clinicians there is no case definition or clinical practice guideline.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) requires a clinical diagnosis: A doctor makes the call based on your self-reported symptoms and medical history.
MN participated in the dispersion modelling, conducted the survey of self-reported symptoms, contributed to the computer support and data management of the project, and participated in the revision of the manuscript.
Non-specific symptoms are those self-reported symptoms that do not indicate a specific disease process or involve an isolated body system.
No differences in current overall health, current exercise levels, self-reported symptoms, and self-reported medical conditions were seen between the study groups.
Potential episodes are often evaluated after the fact and on the basis of self-reported symptoms.