And if it becomes clear that voters side with Clinton, Gephardt and the congressional Democrats will turn up the self-righteous anger.
Preoccupied with unburdening himself of his self-righteous anger, he failed to notice that the ground nearby was in motion.
Never is cruelly so absolute as when it is empowered by self-righteous anger!
Today, there is no righteous anger, only self-righteous anger, which is always easy to dismiss.
Debbie was all self-righteous anger and the usual histrionic tears.
He was all self-righteous anger and red-faced temper.
His voice rose, as he tried to lash himself into a relieving, self-righteous anger.
Pete glared in self-righteous anger.
Carnegie-Hall dropped the self-righteous anger and adopted the air of a honourable man who has been sorely wronged.
"We'll fight if we have to," Bassi said, his face burning with a sudden self-righteous anger.