In one case, Agnes Brookes, a 69-year-old civilian volunteer, was assigned to figure out why a self-storage warehouse had been burglarized 150 times in six months.
They needed to find storage space fast, and they did, at a self-storage warehouse in Melville.
The tendency to house people in every available space fuels the need for self-storage warehouses.
In West Hempstead it is a self-storage warehouse, not the seller's market, that has many residents considering moving.
But local opposition is not the only obstacle to building self-storage warehouses on the Island.
And space is - surprise, surprise - especially valued in New York City, which has about one-quarter of the state's 400 self-storage warehouses.
The number of bidders varies, depending on the reputation of the self-storage warehouse, the weather and other factors.
Mr. Zongo was shot and killed by a police officer after a raid at a self-storage warehouse in Chelsea on Thursday.
When the city bought it, the building was a self-storage warehouse.
Detectives found a receipt there for a self-storage warehouse in Hamilton Township, Pa., near Gettysburg.