Thomas Edison is another good example of the self-styled psychic expert.
Two years ago, when we took office, a lot of self-styled "experts" were ready to write New York City off.
"Frat hazing is worse than this," the self-styled expert said.
Only about 300 people, mostly women, have passed the society's exam, but thousands of other self-styled experts are known to practice graphology.
These are self-styled experts who also will post your item for you, then pack and ship it once it's sold.
Frankly, we'd rather listen to you than the self-styled experts in Washington.
Once before I offered such proof to this same body of self-styled experts, and they rejected it.
Hanson is a self-styled expert in "the culture of violence."
When we get to male and female schemas, well, then, we're all self-styled experts.
There are several well-known authors and self-styled experts, with Larry English perhaps the most popular guru.