Villages have never been self-contained, self-sufficient units, and the social world of Chinese peasants has extended beyond their home villages.
That talk of total energy conversion-of a decentralized world in which each man was an economically self-sufficient unit- "Do you mind?"
Derrida argues that there are no self-sufficient units of meaning in a text.
For example, a plant, or a self-sufficient unit, or a store, could develop a Scanlon Plan.
The idea was to launch small, self-sufficient units outsite the large cities.
A once united economic space is breaking into self-sufficient units.
The inner shell is a self-sufficient unit which can be cut off at once from the outer shell.
We must begin to establish autonomous and self-sufficient units.
The design is based on the timber ship building pattern in which each section is a self-sufficient unit.
A mas a largely self-sufficient economic unit, which could produce fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, and even silk.