In April 1951, Setra introduced a coach with self-supporting structure.
In a minority of buildings, the outer layer is also a self-supporting structure.
The rotor can take the form of a winding-filled cylinder, or a self-supporting structure comprising only the magnet wire and the bonding material.
These panels, designed with the help of animation software, are hinged together to create a self-supporting structure.
The assignment: Build, in a single evening, a self-supporting structure with cans of food.
The tower itself was a self-supporting structure, and did not need external supports until reaching 120 meters.
Therefore, the sub-base did not have to be a self-supporting structure.
The wing, a self-supporting structure, cantilevers off the fuselage of an airplane like an outstretched arm.
A crate has a self-supporting structure, with or without sheathing.
Fuller is the inventor of the Geodesic Dome, the world's largest self-supporting structure.