This structural transformation of the developing country is pursued in order to create an economy which in the end enjoys self-sustaining growth.
The question is to what extent the economy can generate its own, self-sustaining growth.
"It looks like we have self-sustaining growth," he commented.
Launching a country into self-sustaining growth is a little like getting an airplane off the ground.
The lack of self-sustaining growth in Latin America was not fatal to the Church there since its only local opponents were primitive forms of paganism.
Lundh's premise was that the national economic interest reigned supreme, so he based his recommendation on the proposed town's ability to quickly achieve self-sustaining growth.
Until something is done to put a floor under the housing market, I just can't see the economy entering a period of self-sustaining growth.
The point of this week's push for aid is not to create permanent dependency, but to unleash self-sustaining growth.
The report was couched in language of darkest gloom, hinting that a centuries-long pattern of self-sustaining growth had perhaps come to an end.
Real wages will tend to rise along with increases in productivity and the economy will enter into a stage of self-sustaining growth with a consistent nature.