He said foreign aid would be better spent on "programs that save the lives of children, protect refugees fleeing persecution and create free and self-sustaining economic systems."
By the end of 1985, a self-sustaining system of 43,000 village cooperatives with 4,250,000 milk producers were covered.
Biodynamic agriculture is a method of organic farming that emphasizes the holistic development and interrelationships of the soil, plants and animals as a self-sustaining system.
Lents's country faces similar problems in making the transition from a subsidized state program to a self-sustaining system.
They believe that this creates a self-sustaining system.
First, you ignore that Social Security is a solvent, self-sustaining system.
"What would it take to set up the self-sustaining system, Doctor Kynes?"
He has therefore succeeded not just in creating a self-sustaining educational system, but also a range of new economic and social enterprises to support remote communities.
Put up a dozen or so vertical farms, and all of a sudden you have yourself a self-sustaining closed-loop system that can feed an entire city.
The Earth, for all of its largesse, is really a totally closed, self-sustaining system on a huge scale that operates under its own set of rigid principles.