He was also a self-taught painter and piano accordion player.
This self-taught painter made his first watercolors, depicting village life, in 1944.
Despite the training he received in drawing, he is essentially a self-taught painter.
A self-taught painter, he was a late adherent to the movement, not joining until 1929.
Returning to Beijing, he gradually became close with a group of other self-taught young painters.
It is understandable why this self-taught painter, who produced such engaging work, has strong appeal.
Virius was a self-taught painter, who started painting late in life.
If this weren't the case, the century would not have had so many self-taught painters, some of them geniuses.
He was the first self-taught American painter in the 20th century to be recognized by a museum.
He studied there from 1948-1952 before deciding to pursue art instead, as a self-taught painter.