As shown many times throughout the series, Kenneth is an incredibly selfless person.
You such a giving, selfless person, only caring for the happiness of others.
And I don't know a single selfless person in the world who's happy--except you.
I think you are the most selfless person I know.
"What she's been through with me the past 21 years," he said on Friday, "she's the most selfless person I've ever met."
They were there, most said, because Diana was such a good, selfless person, that she deserved a proper farewell.
You were the most compassionate and selfless person we ever knew.
It hurts her that she can't be with us more, but she is a selfless person.
The meaning of the kaimyō clearly shows how Kasuke was honored as a selfless person.
Throughout the story, George is shown as a selfless person since childhood.