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She worked selflessly there until the end of the war.
She could never love anything or anyone so selflessly as they did.
"You have served your organization selflessly for so many years."
For over 50 years she worked selflessly helping the poor.
But just as important, they selflessly gave of their time and talent.
Now, for the first time, she extends herself selflessly to someone else.
How selflessly Derek gave of his time and energy to the children.
"Only those who selflessly love everyone, they alone shall find God".
It would be wrong, however, to say all these countries have acted selflessly.
He had, in the heat of the moment, acted selflessly.
She had more than once selflessly risked her life for him.
No, the warrior woman could never have acted so selflessly.
"When the tape is made public to the world, people will hear that they all went about their jobs without fear, and selflessly."
Throughout the relationship, Matt selflessly puts her needs before his.
"He worked selflessly, without being sorry of forces and time.
Michael was a magnificent human being who taught and selflessly helped many.
They have avoided vanity and helped one another selflessly on defense.
"My daughter is a wonderful mother and a person who selflessly does her best to help those in need.
They selflessly put themselves in jeopardy to protect the lives or property of others.
I loved cooking and selflessly (well, sort of) wanted to cook for them.
One feels bad criticizing a man who dedicated himself so selflessly to public service.
And for a nice rhetorical turn, we learn that those who get rich are doing it selflessly, as a form of national service.
Even more selflessly, they risked the disapproval of family and friends to do so.
Give selflessly to other persons when there is no reward in sight.
Like all who serve him selflessly, the sword received that which she desired most.