Mr. Ward sells Cadillacs, Geos, and Chevrolets.
It's like if General Motors were forced to sell Cadillacs for $1,000.
We kill people in the six-figure range (at least) in order to sell Big Macs and Cadillacs to the survivors.
Yet no one sold more Cadillacs for G.M. than Mr. Potamkin.
"When you've got a guy like Ed calling you, it's difficult to say no," said Ray "Dee" DeBenedictis, who sells Cadillacs in the Bronx.
But Mr. Penske failed in a brief try at selling Cadillacs in New York.
Before the Persian Gulf war, he said, he had lived and prospered for 24 years in Kuwait, selling Mercedes and Cadillacs.
Now citing reduced sales, General Motors has stopped selling Cadillacs in suburban areas.
It also sells Cadillacs.
Paul Frank Baer quit selling Cadillacs to join the military.