They built around 50 race cars a year until Moody sold his portion of the company after the 1972 season.
The team was sold after the 2002 season and moved to Florence, where it became known as the Freedom.
With Breadon's health failing, he was forced to sell the club after the 1947 season.
Asbury Park, the largest boat, was sold after the 1916 season as no longer needed.
His contract was then sold back to San Francisco after the season, and he never played in the majors again.
The company couldn't afford to maintain the building and sold it after the 1989-1990 season to a Texas developer.
Most of the rides were sold after the 1968 season.
His contract was sold back to the Reds after the season.
Veeck later made a comeback, taking over the team in 1975 before selling it again after the 1980 season.
With failing health and finances, Veeck sold the team after the 1980 season.