These companies do not feel as pressed to sell even amid the new economic reality.
Tenneco last week announced plans to sell its oil and gas business amid Wall Street estimates that it might bring at least $5.4 billion.
The study was published in November 2000, almost four years before Merck stopped selling the drug amid safety concerns.
Later, the agora also served as a marketplace where merchants kept stalls or shops to sell their goods amid colonnades.
Kmart is undertaking an intensive effort to sell fashion amid aisles of appliances, weed killer and toothpaste.
Analysts said bond traders sold amid uncertainties about the economic data to be released this week.
With his black Labrador, Smokey, he sold pencils amid the bustling crowds the last 10 years.
Whatever the reason, auto executives were delighted that some products were selling amid overall sluggish conditions and the distractions of Presidential politics.
Some investors yesterday sold the bonds amid concern the debt will slip to non-investment grade, or junk-bond, status, traders said.
Deutsche Bank is looking to sell assets amid a global economic slowdown that has sharply cut its investment banking fees and raised lending risks.