Marko perpetuates the elaborate façade and grows rich by selling armaments that the cellar dwellers build.
The company's management denies that it has ties to Pierre Falcone's Brenco International and that the company sold armaments to the Angolan government.
Both sides were selling armaments to gain influence.
The Soviets sold tanks and other armaments for Spanish gold, and sent well-trained officers and political commissars.
Hudson was a skilled and knowledgeable man, and sold armaments in the U.S., while Hiram worked mainly in Europe.
Given that China was still developing, he said, China would "even in the future" not sell armaments "in large quantities".
Unfortunately, the government would not release the company from its agreement not to sell armaments abroad, so that avenue was closed to it.
He was the grandson and son of men who had made huge fortunes from selling armaments which were used by the Roman legions.
Darling, when I was selling armaments with Hugo Falkenstein it was my business to find out about such people.
Selling illegal armaments abroad?