Thus, the full value of a December contract, selling at 73.02 cents a pound, is about $29,200.
On its first day, the station sold 30 gallons of gasoline at 27 cents per gallon.
It is just these risks that makes some banks eager to sell, even at 50 cents on the dollar.
So that any mother could afford it, the book was sold at just twenty-five cents.
Two years ago, honey was selling at 53 cents a pound.
You forced your own citizens to sell our assets back to us at five cents on the dollar.
Three years ago the bank sold all its Brazilian debt, about $15 million, at 60 cents on the dollar.
A 16-ounce bottle has sold well at 99 cents since being re-introduced, but the price was going up to $1.19.
In just its first month of operation the service, by the company's estimate, has sold three million songs online, at 99 cents each.
Paula Red apples, she reported, were selling fast at 80 cents a pound.