Under the proposed bill, dealers who sell autographs for $50 or more would be required to provide customers with written certificates of authenticity.
Steve Woolf, 47, a former sales manager for Dodge who quit about three years ago to sell autographs full time, has no trouble justifying his job.
In June 2005 he was sentenced to 90 days of home detention and fined for his role in a scheme to sell fake autographs of Ali.
Later in life, she sold autographs, and also made an attempt at an opera career (for example, Rigoletto).
In any case, during this period, she held exhibitions, sold her paintings and autographs, and took admission fees to let others see her sew, paint and draw.
But as long as he's tilting at windmills, maybe he should go one step farther and also make it a misdemeanor for fans to sell autographs.
I also run a small business selling autographs and photographs from my website (www.darthvader-starwars.com).
When not selling autographs on the Internet, Alex rents videos.
It is common to see television and film personalities selling autographs and interacting with their fans both in person and on stage during Question and Answer sessions.
And sold autographs in the dealers room.