A while back, he got hold of a space meal, but sold it because there was no Tang.
The owner had been downsized and needed to sell that day because he and his family were moving to California where another job waited.
Many who inherited land, for example, have held off selling it because so much of the revenue would go to Japan's stiff progressive tax.
Do you know how many books I sold because 11 million people watched it?
They must be selling copies like hotcakes, and all because of me.
Once they sold half the bridge for two-fifty because the mark didn't have enough cash.
Sellers like to "sell forward" because it locks in an income stream.
Get out front, even a little, and you sell more because many people like to invest in a winner.
CIE sold it for development because the former freight yards there were no longer needed.
But we've had a lot of repeats, so it's selling because people like it.