The speedway makes money by selling tickets, concessions and merchandise.
Brazil sold concessions to build and operate eight hydroelectric plants to local and foreign investors who will invest more than $1.3 billion.
Members of the Guild have participated as ushers, performed chores, sold concessions, sponsored fundraisers and ran boutiques.
The first $100 million will be raised by selling concessions, the better seats and even the right to name the stadium.
After Arthur Hutchins reached adulthood, he sold concessions at carnivals.
Barrow partnered with Harry Stevens in 1894 to sell concessions at baseball games.
She was only 14 years old when she worked for the first time selling concessions at the Statue of Liberty.
During their occupation, the Cardies sold commercial concessions to the highest bidder.
The chief absolutely refuses to sell concessions on Aztlan oil or mineral rights.
And he remains for now the only Palestinian with the legitimacy to sell future concessions to his people.