Thomas says a private investigator was prosecuted for selling data to the press in the mid-1990s.
There is also a set of companies that sell data, or services to clean and enhance data.
In addition, the company began selling data to businesses which desired alternative suppliers.
It is starting a research division to sell data about how its 4.4 million users watch commercials - or, more often, skip them.
And I'm hardly going to sell data to my husband's competitors.
In the quoted statement, Verizon seem to be of the opinion they are selling data.
They sold data from these machines to the Soviet secret service, one of them in order to fund his drug addiction.
The informant also had sold data to the government of the United States.
The company now sells data on 200,000 properties in 52 cities.
They could charge a commission when web sites sell data about consumers.