But this commercial isn't selling detergent, jeans or diet soda.
He might try selling detergent, like the A&P Laundromat.
It invites comparisons with other commercials, and politicians can rarely match those happy actors selling beer and detergent.
The voice bounced along with the images, cheery as if selling detergent.
She took out a small pitch pipe and started playing a bouncy tune, which would work nicely to sell detergent.
This is a place that sells books because we care about books; we're not selling detergent.
Colgate-Palmolive, an international conglomerate that sells toothpaste, shampoo, detergent and other household and hygiene products, had $6 billion in worldwide sales in 1988.
The computer continued, brash and cheery as if it was selling detergent.
"Baseball is the nation's favorite sport," said Hopper, who acknowledged that Lever Brothers was being a bit daring in using any sport to sell detergent.
The books are undoubtedly popular with fans, but do they really help sell detergent?