An embassy official said the apartment of the four men arrested last week seemed to have been used to sell false documents.
Some militiamen have tried to sell documents to journalists and American forces, with asking prices of $5,000 or more.
He also supported himself by selling stolen documents to a friend who was a document broker for Islamist terrorists.
Lowell must have found out that Terry was selling secret documents.
And across the state, vendors began selling forged documents to immigrants.
The project could threaten the huge private industry that has grown by selling public documents.
In 1991 she was jailed for selling secret documents to foreigners, the "secrets" being her manuscripts.
The measure allows merchants to continue to sell such false documents only if they are clearly marked "novelty."
He sold classified documents to the People's Republic of China from 1952 to 1985.
In conducting an exclusive sell situation, the engagement selling documents should comprise: