Many of the smaller producers, whose cheese is sold in high-end shops, age it for at least six months.
Also, the shares obtained cannot be sold for six months.
Destitute, he sold his daughter's services for three months to feed the rest of his large family.
He paid $186,000 for it a year ago and has been trying to sell it for four months at $89,000.
Once again, the new offering includes a promise the insiders will not sell any more stock for six months.
He sold cars for seven months before he wanted to go back into broadcasting again.
After Endo sells its version for six months, other companies can enter the market.
A house that sold for $192,000 18 months ago recently resold for $230,000, she said.
All but one of the 16 units in the building were either sold or spoken for within two months.
The company, which has 4,685 stores in 32 states, has been trying to sell itself for more than six months.