Stores there sell clothes, entertainment, food and housewares.
The business sold housewares, early washing machines, and cooking stoves they called "quick meals".
Some mail-order houses have coped better than others, with those selling housewares and food items, for example, becoming more popular., which sells discount-price apparel and housewares online, is one example.
The store is Saigoniste, which sells high-end housewares from Vietnam.
Yes, the ad conveys, Target sells housewares, and guess what?
Unlike other stores in the boutique shopping neighborhood, it is not selling 1960's designs or Moroccan housewares.
Further, most stores that sell computers and housewares continued to report soft sales.
The store, which Crespin had founded in 1856, sold furnishings and housewares on credit.
His father sold housewares for a living.