Accor maintained its share of the interest until 2006 where they sold their shares in a transaction worth €500,000.
TPI was sold in a private transaction for an undisclosed sum in the mid-90s.
Sears has not yet decided whether Coldwell Banker will be sold in a public or private transaction.
Traders noted a Chicago Tribune report that the parent company had sold $600 million worth of convertible preferred stock in a private transaction.
Sold in a no-bid transaction to George D. Fleming for $315.
The Energy Department is thinking of selling the national petroleum reserve in a transaction that could reach $3 billion.
The company was sold in 2005 in a $9,000,000 transaction to New Catalyst Fund.
The company had eagerly anticipated selling them in a separate transaction.
Newer, digital phones, which can provide services like text messaging and paging, have usually been sold in a transaction separate from the service contract.
YankeeNets could sell the Nets in a conventional transaction.