Ms. Karan, who has made her name selling four-figure jackets and gowns, will now offer a range of products for under $200.
Here Chanel sold hats, jackets, sweaters, and the marinière, the sailor blouse.
"When a museum sells postcards, fine, but when a house of culture begins to sell shoes and jackets, it's a different matter," he said.
He surmises that if the Brooklyn Korean market had sold jackets instead of vegetables, the Mayor would have immediately broken up the boycott.
Tourists come here for the daily market (10am-4pm), which sells embroidered linens, brushed-wool Chinese jackets and silk souvenirs.
Tourists visit the daily market, which sells embroidered linens, brushed-wool Chinese jackets and silk souvenirs.
"Some department stores were hoping for an early snow, so they could sell jackets and coats, but they would have liked it on a Tuesday," he said.
Part of the economy here is catering to the migrants heading north with guesthouses, hotels, restaurants and stores selling jackets and blankets.
For the first time in months, we are beginning to sell outfits, suits and jackets with skirts.
This summer, J. Crew started selling patch-madras jackets.