Many others continue to sell their creations at craft fairs, markets and fêtes.
In this way they can choose to sell their creations without having to compete with others selling copies of the same works.
She still intends to sell her creations to stores, but no longer by staging fashion shows.
By selling or renting their creations, users could get 'rich' and be successful in this virtual worlds.
They previously required other companies' relationships with the High Street stores to sell their creations.
He has started selling his creations to friends, and this month he is busy filling orders for Christmas presents.
A Louis Vuitton shop at the show will sell his creations.
Late in life he tried to sell his creations simply as original Dossenas, but they never achieved the success of his fakes.
The man has a right to sell his own creations, doesn't he?
High end artist/merchants come to sell their creations.