The British merchants began selling opium to China.
Well, the British once fought a war in China to sell opium.
At that time, Britain's trade deficit was huge; however, it stopped when Britain decided to sell opium to China.
They sold spices, cotton fabrics, porcelain, opium, and Japanese lacquer work.
She said her grandmother "did everything she could to make money, from selling opium to furniture."
Oh I forgot they used to do that and they got ennobled in the process for selling opium to the Chinese.
Some of the mujahadeen raised funds to support their cause by selling opium.
A trader, who did not sell opium, confessed to me that he was at his wit's end.
"This was the biggest drug trade in world history and some British people say it is a shame that they sold opium to China."
In his early business life, he sold opium from Bombay, India to China.