Burns was nicknamed "Oyster" because he sold oysters in the off-season.
Selling oysters to Washington and Baltimore became much more profitable in the 1890s when steamboat service was established.
A vendor came through the crowd, selling oysters.
There is also an "oyster man" who sells oysters there on the weekends.
At West 10th Street, a line of barges sold oysters to people strolling through the harborscape.
The black peddlers covered the ground on foot, selling oysters and deviled crabs.
The oyster companies and the slaughter houses made an attempt to refuse to sell oysters and meat to union restaurants.
They made a profit from selling clams and oysters.
Companies that sell oysters, live swine and certain types of fish to Canada will also be hit.
Along the road, the Taylor Shellfish Farm sells fresh oysters daily, to go.