She was famous for selling poison to women who wanted to murder their husbands.
Would you sell poison to someone with a history of suicide attempts?
During her trial, she confessed to being a poisoner, and that she sold poison to women who wanted to murder their husbands.
In the 1800's American nurserymen unwittingly sold poison ivy vines as ornamentals to the English, who still have it climbing on some old buildings.
Mr. Dingell said that while the public could no longer be sure that generic drugs were safe or effective because of the misrepresentations and other problems, "this is not to say that any generic drug manufacturers are selling poison or placebos."
Finally one day, as we were sitting at the breakfast table, I told him that if he wasn't an addict, I wanted him to go to jail for a very long time, because he had been selling poison to other people for money.
My local farm store sells poison.
He claims he sold poison to a woman fitting your description, Lady Isabella.