For a while, he sold little portraits in the backwaters of France, each of which he said took a couple of hours to dash off.
He started making a living at the age of 13, painting and selling portraits of the cities' bourgeoise.
Amongst Artists' Alley are autographing areas where celebrities and artists sign autographs and sell portraits.
The firm sold portraits, views of Java, stereographs, cameras, lenses, photographic chemicals and other photographic supplies.
Although he could not work, he made a living by selling portraits and postcards of himself at the train station.
However, Von Holst exhibited 49 paintings at major exhibitions in London and sold portraits to collectors.
Johns started selling portraits and landscapes while still in high school.
"Yes, to have it take its rightful place as the modern type of portrait painting" "Do you think he could ever sell portraits of that sort?"
He then sells the remaining family property and portraits to Richard Hulse.
Acutely aware of the photograph's celebrity-enhancing power, toward the end of his life he sold autographed portraits of himself for a living.