A workshop has been constructed to take special care of all the artefacts and sell replicas.
The two women who sold replicas of the artifacts were beginning to lock up.
It features a snack bar, ice rink, and a Christmas decoration shop which sells smaller replicas of the displays in the light spectacular.
The club has in the past sold replicas of past jerseys.
But some gun dealers have stopped selling replicas, because they're worried about them falling into the wrong hands.
Currently, the village sells both originals and replicas.
He has tried to start a business selling small replicas of baseball and football helmets in Long Island bars and flea markets.
The puncheon is now famous, and every tourist shop sells replicas.
Now, he says, "We sell replicas of New Jersey lighthouses, when we're not running out of them."
Two weeks ago, it began selling replicas of the companies' stock certificates to commemorate "the new-economy era of creative accounting."