He sold saddles to General George Patton and played coachman to the Vanderbilts and other famous families.
Then, one day, a woman who sold saddles came into the salon and told me about a saddle sale outside of Philadelphia.
Suenaga sold his horses and saddles in order to finance a trip to Kamakura, where he reported his deeds in battle to the Shogunate.
They spent one night in the home of a friend, and the next day sold their horses and saddles before taking a stage to Deming.
Kent Leather Distributors operates its main shop out of a corner of Lillywhites, where it sells boots and saddles across from the cycling and diving departments of this six-story sporting goods store at Piccadilly Circus.
Then Gabriel went to visit the second brother, who was now running a great farm, with dairies, and butcheries where they sold meat, and tanneries where they sold boots and saddles and all kinds of things made out of leather.
He says he sold stolen saddles and veterinary equipment and once broke a man's nose for the manager of one of the shows.
Before and during his horse-show jobs, he worked in Boston for the London Harness Shop, selling saddles to Gen. George Patton and working for the Vanderbilts and other society families.
Jack Miller, who as an executive of the Miller Harness Company in Manhattan sold boots and saddles to the world's equestrians, died on Wednesday at his ranch at Santa Barbara, Calif.
Suenaga sold his horses and saddles in order to finance a trip to Kamakura in order to report his deeds in battle to the bakufu.