When you go out, you will see that some of the chestnut vendors have packed up their burners and are selling slices of fresh coconut.
Slice width varies; one Scotch Beef butcher sells slices that "typically weigh around 6oz" each.
Those ovens were much easier to install, and cheaper, and they burned cleaner fuel more efficiently - all important in a high-volume business like selling slices.
Street vendors sold ice sticks, cold drinks, and slices of watermelon.
It is unusual in not selling slices, highly popular throughout New York City.
Sell individual slices at 5p each?
This walkway is lined with small restaurants, cafes, kiosks, and small market areas selling arts and crafts, dried fish, or slices of home-baked cake.
The truck began selling slices of the American delicacy to tourists and Soviet customers in April.
They will also find out why anyone named Lars shouldn't be selling slices in the first place.
It does not sell slices; only whole pies.