The target, most analysts believe, is the $2 billion-a-year market the United States has built up in Europe selling soybeans, oilseed meal and feed grain substitutes.
Some of New Jersey's 8,800 farmers have begun cultivating plots in cyberspace, selling soybeans on the Internet and designing Web sites.
The Regional Federal Court in Brazil upheld an injunction that blocks Monsanto from selling genetically modified soybeans in the country until a comprehensive environmental impact study can be completed.
The most successful also managed to effectively sell soybeans, then buy them back at a lower price.
Selling cars, soybeans and airplanes, Brazil last year recorded a $19 billion trade surplus - the third largest in the world after Japan and West Germany.
These farmers are selling soybeans for $8 a bushel and wheat for $4.50 a bushel, prices that are double those for crops grown with conventional techniques.
The soybean market opened lower on expectations that sweeping economic reforms announced last week in Brazil, the world's second-largest soybean producer, would stimulate the country's farmers to sell soybeans.
He was born into a poor farmer's family in Miaoli, and started out in Taipei by selling vegetables and soybeans with his brothers as a child.
Breaking with General Stroessner's rigidly anti-Communist foreign policy, Paraguay is expected to start selling soybeans to the Soviet Union this year.
Territorial is selling green soybeans this year - Sayamusume is the variety - so you, too, can steam those fuzzy pods and feast on the sweet, nutty-flavored beans inside.