Mr. Petras also suggested that the company sell its shirts in department stores as well as sports pro shops.
A decade ago, the N.H.L. and the National Basketball Association shared a plight: how to sell sports that were perceived as having limited appeal.
The anniversary is also marked by food fairs, open-air markets selling traditional Sindhi ware, and entertaining and competitive sports.
Ultimately, Sportsdaq's real customers are the people selling sports, wherever they are: teams, broadcasters and merchandisers.
"They can't compare with eBay," said James Westerman of Conway, Ark., who earns more than $15,000 annually selling sports and advertising memorabilia on the site.
The second, Watching Baseball Smarter, was published by Random House in 2007 and was the 8th best selling American sports book that year.
The ambitious advertising and marketing effort is emblematic of the intensifying effort to sell sports programming to viewers even when surveys show that fans continue to anticipate coming seasons.
Besides jewelry, the store sells antiques and sports and historical memorabilia.
Selling sports and movie memorabilia, the store occupies 2,000 square feet in a brownstone owned by Mr. Lee.