"Everyone is very happy," said Teresa Boston, who sells suits and dresses.
Could the shop ever sell suits again?
The company's 18 stores went out of business in February, after 105 years of selling suits, shirts and blouses.
He does not want to take a daytime job again, as he did when he first came to Brooklyn, trying to sell $100 suits.
"We don't sell suits that are $250 or $300," she said.
Downstairs, the gift shop sells high-tech suits and swimming paraphernalia.
He sold them bikes, shoes, suits and a lot of other items.
They sell suits, but African tastes differ from yours.
For the first time in months, we are beginning to sell outfits, suits and jackets with skirts.
We will sell suits in a broad but low range from under $200 to over $300.